
Who are our Governors?
Witley School is supported by a Governing Body which meets regularly throughout the academic year, made up of 13 governors who are representative of the local community, parents and school staff. Governors bring a range of interests, knowledge and skills to the role and all have the common desire to help the children, adults and school to flourish.

The Full Governing Body (FGB) meets once a term. Statutory Committees and Panels are in place for Headteacher Performance Management, Pay Review, Discipline, Grievance and Appeals as well as a working party exploring the Government initiative for all schools to be part of a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) by 2030.
Membership of the Full Governing Body
See below for the membership of the Full Governing Body, including any/all declarations of any business or personal interests.
Our Role
The role of the Governing Body is critical to the effectiveness of the school. Governors focus on three core strategic functions, as set out by the Department for Education (DfE):

  1. ensuring there is clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  2. holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils and the performance management of staff
  3. overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

We provide both support and challenge to senior leaders, ensuring accountability in all areas, whilst remembering that the day to day management of the school is the responsibility of the Headteacher. Our main focus is on ensuring delivery of the best educational provision for our children and we are answerable to parents and the wider community to which Witley Infant belongs.

Our Governing Body relies on a team approach with each individual contributing a range of skills and experience in for example, analysing performance data, budgeting and driving financial efficiency, or performance management and employment issues. The Governing Body meets once each half term. At these meetings, attended by all governors, we discuss key improvement priorities and school budget, agree required actions and monitor the outcomes of previous or ongoing activities.

These formal meetings are supplemented by a programme of monitoring and review. Governors take responsibility for areas such as finance or health & safety, safeguarding and special educational needs & disabilities. Governors work more closely with the school in these areas to ensure we, and the school, are meeting our statutory obligations and doing the best for the children’s education and welfare.

To contact a Governor, or for a copy of the FGB minutes, please email the Clerk to Governors:
To contact the Chair of Governors, please email:

To contact the Clerk to Governors, please email: